Using the Classroom app on your device, you can perform actions on each student’s device to focus their attention and guide their learning.

Note: Some features aren’t available for remote classes.

Actions on multiple students’ devices

You can perform actions on many devices at once. This can be for the entire class or a specific group.

The main Classroom window on iPad, showing actions you can perform near the top of the window.

Actions on a single student’s device

You can perform actions on a single student’s device. For example, you might want to view the screen of a single student.

A selected user showing possible actions.

You can do the following on any number of student devices at once:

  • Open an app.

  • Open a webpage, EPUB book or chapter, or PDF.

  • Share links and documents and allow students to share links and documents with you.

  • View a device screen.

  • Mute a device (nearby classes only).

  • Lock a device and lock an app open on a device (nearby classes only).

    Note: If you forget to unlock a device or an app locked to the screen, it unlocks automatically when out of Bluetooth range or after 20 seconds of no connectivity.