Kudos to the faculty listed below who were willing to share some of the tools and systems they are using in their classes!

Please click on the links for more information

  1. Flipgrid (Sarah Hyland)
    Flipgrid is a video-based discussion platform.

  2. Traffic Light System (Kitty Hickcox)
    This system involves color-coding communications to give students simple and easy feedback on their efforts.

  3. Classcraft (Darlenia Kokoszka)
    Classcraft provides ways to gamify your curriculum. It works well with remote learning and has aspects to assist with in-classroom management too. There are paid and free versions.

  4. Edpuzzle (Tom Vorenberg)
    Link to Video
    Edpuzzle is a platform that allows for adding questions or other media to existing videos. You can gauge student understanding or extend knowledge with these. It has tools to track student accountability and comprehension.

  5. Kialo (Tom Stewart)
    Link to Video
    Kialo is an online platform which aims for a unique take on a debate or discussion. It facilitates discussions, allowing for interesting and useful visual feedback, and features educational tools for guiding students and empowering their participation.

  6. Polling in Zoom (Jay Barillaro)
    Link to Video
    In the video, an Exit Ticket poll is created for a Zoom session.  Polling is a powerful quick assessment technique within Zoom that allows for students to give feedback to their students.  Since saved polls are created for all Zoom meetings, a generic poll that can be used frequently in all classes is a useful tool to have in your pocket. This link is useful if you want to retrieve individual student responses: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/216378603