Document Publishing

  1. Open the Launchpad
  2. Choose Academic Documents
  3. Under Configuration Choose “Current Year Academic Documents (#)
  4. Click the Academic Document ID for the Grading Period in Question
  5. Under Publishing Prep, click Configuration
    1. Does Everything Look OK?
    2. Report Title is what gets displayed on the portal
    3. Student and Parent Portal should say “Not Published”
      1. Unpublished means Text of the Link is visible, but not clickable.
      2. Not Published means the link completely hidden.
    4. Check Filters
  6. Click Record Review under Publishing Prep
    1. Click Actions > Refresh Filters
      1. This allows you to preview the documents.
    2. Once you are ready to actually create the documents click Actions > Commit Filters
  7. Click All Existing Records
  8. To publish to all parents Click Actions > Publish Parents
  9. To unpublish the holds:
    1.  pop out the query
    2. Add a PERSON: Profile Code field
      1. Create a filter for Financial
    3. Run the query
    4. Double click Parent Portal and set to Unpublished for each record displayed.