A few things to note before you begin a migration:
1. A migration, once completed, is near impossible to be undone.
2. Migrating the same section more than once will result in multiple copies of assignments.
3. If you shared assignments across sections, when migrated, they will only appear in the original section. They can be re-shared manually from there, after the migration.
4. Aside from assigned and due dates, you can edit the assignments once you complete the migration.
5. Posts and quick posts will not migrate.
6. Photo galleries that were part of web pages will not migrate, but individual photos will.
How to migrate:
1. Click on "Library" at the top of the Faculty Portal.
2. Choose "Set-Up Class" on the far right.
3. Click "Start a New Migration."
4. Select your source and destination.
Be sure they are the same classes.
The source is your class from last year, the destination, this year's class.
5. Adjust the dates (optional).
Dates can be changed in the "Adjust Dates" section or they can be edited later (after the migration) when you display the individual assignments.
I would suggest that you leave the dates as-is for now.
If you have a warning - as in the image below - you can choose to ignore it. The lessons or assignments will still copy to the new class.
6. Be sure you have chosen the correct classes and then click "Start Migration."
Double check the class names!. Once you click this button, you can't undo or redo!
7. You should see verification that the class was successfully migrated.
8. Visit your class. Click on "Gradebook."
All of your assignments are there, but are not displayed. You can edit dates and description, share the assignment with other sections, etc. before you display the assignment on the Student and Parent Portals.
9. Click on the "Website" tab and then "Pages."
Here you can see your Published pages and your Drafts. You can edit your pages from here and choose a home page that students will see from their portal.
Helpful Link:
For help or a quick refresher on the Gradebook, setting up Class Pages, Lesson Plans, etc. please use this resource: https://learn.veracross.com/docs/lms-quick-start-guide-for-teachers?wvideo=20bzsq6gjt