When the Class is started, the teacher will see the remaining duration of the class in the left menu. If needed, additional time can be added by clicking "+10 min" or the class can be ended early by clicking "End class". 

Teachers can view information regarding student devices during the class. Options and features available are listed below.

macOS Class View
  • Status
After the class has started, teachers will see a list of their students along with the name of the device assigned to the user. Additional information such as MDM and Bluetooth status will be displayed, along with the option for the teacher to "Send Push" to call the device to the MDM to retrieve any pending commands.*
*This is your first step in troubleshooting any problems with student devices not complying with commands. 

  • Timeline
Teachers can visualize a chronological timeline of student interactions with applications installed on the Mac. To present more accurate information to the teacher, the Timeline is updated every 5 seconds.

To the right of each student’s name an icon is displayed representing the application that is currently open; at the top, you’ll see the time each student opened the application. 

  • Live Screen
Teachers can view the screens of student devices in real time. Selecting this option will display the screens of all students at the same time. To view an individual student's screen, click the Mac icon. The student's screen will be displayed in an individual pop-up, from here teachers can take a screenshot of the screen or view it in full screen.

To take a screenshot or view in full screen:

  1. Click the Mac icon for the student device
  2. Click the Save icon at the bottom right of the screen or expand to see it in full screen

Any and all screenshots of student devices will be accessible to view in the Screenshots tab or in Class History.


  • Live Screen uses peer-to-peer communication and requires devices are on the same local network. Live Screen will not work if student devices are remote or on a different network than the teacher device. 
  • For privacy purposes, the macOS will prompt students to allow screen capture permission for the Mosyle Manager app in order for teachers to view the screens. There is no way to bypass this prompt. Teachers can use the Apple Classroom application to view student screens without prompting for permission.

from: https://myschool.mosyle.com/#helpcenter/1723