Setting up Zoom:

It is important to follow these procedures before hosting your first meeting.

    Zoom Profile Settings

    Testing Computer Audio

    Testing Computer Video

Resources for Getting Started with Zoom: 

    Zoom Support Page

    Recorded 30 Minute Webinar

Scheduling and Starting a Zoom Meeting:

    Meet Now vs. Scheduled Meeting

    Scheduling a Zoom Meeting

    Starting or Joining a Scheduled Zoom Meeting as the Host 

    Inviting Others to Join a Meeting

    Using PMI to Create Meeting Invites

    Deleting Recurring Meetings

Recording in the Cloud with Zoom

    Initiating a Zoom Cloud Recording

    Accessing and Sharing Recorded Sessions

Help with Zoom:

    Setting a Virtual Background (only works with modern/recent PC, Mac, iOS, or Android devices)

    For Students or Attendees: Enable Push-to-Talk

    Sharing Your Screen

    Sharing a Video Clip - if you record a solo session, this maybe included as part of flipped lesson 

Additional Functionality:

    Sharing a Presentation:



Sharing and Annotating a Whiteboard

Polling in Zoom


Help with Recording:

Finding and Viewing a Recording 

Recording to a Local File

Uploading and Sharing a Recording with OneDrive

for other questions, visit Zoom's Help and Support Center 

for additional training with Zoom, visit Zoom's Free Live Webinar Resource.